Fapzo.com was created in 2013 and has undergone a few changes in how we present porn over the years, as websites, content delivery, and surfer habits have evolved.
Currently we showcase porn videos in blog format, a widely used and easy to navigate format that gives porn surfers the ability to easily find the porn they are looking for, and enables them to use the search function within our website, as well as our directory pages, and latest porn video articles.
Fapzo.com posts a wide range of ONLY legal porn – all persons are of legal age to appear in porn movies or porn pictures, and have signed documents along with copies of proof of age, and stating that all photos and videos were taken with the performer’s free will. We have zero interest in non-legal porn, and if you do, you can fuck off elsewhere. Any porn fetish videos we publish are always fully consensual.
We are strong proponents of free speech, and freedom of sexual expression, and believe consenting adults should be free to engage in any porn & sexual activities that are allowed by law. We might by filthy as fuck, but we keep everything strictly legal, even fantasy porn depictions!
We do not collect any data on any surfer, Fapzo.com is a display only website, that does not need, or want, any details of it’s porn users. Unidentifying stats may be collated via the server, or google analytics, such as which porn search term was used to find Fapzo.com, or a link on a different porn website that took the surfer to the main, or one of the internal pages on this blog.